Claude A. May

Senior Pastor of Oasis of Hope Christian Church

Pastor Claude Allen May is a native of Detroit, MI. He was educated in the Detroit Public School System and graduated from Cass Technical High School. From Cass, he matriculated to Michigan State University of East Lansing, MI majoring in Sociology. Upon his call to the ministry, Pastor May enrolled at William Tyndale College of Farmington Hills, MI majoring in Pastoral Studies. His educational process has continued through various seminars and workshops.  

Raised in a Christian home, Pastor May attended Williams Chapel Baptist Church as a child and was active in Sunday School, Children’s Choir, and the Male Chorus. On July 31, 1985 he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior and united with the Macedonia Baptist Church then of Hamtramck, MI (now of Detroit) under the leadership of Pastor Charles D. Twymon. On December 1, 1985 Pastor May was licensed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. At Macedonia, he was ordained as Youth Pastor, served as Children’s Church Minister and Athletic Director, and was a member of the Soul Winning Team, and the Trustee Ministry. 

In December 1994, Reverend Claude Allen May was unanimously elected to become the fourth pastor of Jehovah Missionary Baptist Church (now known as Oasis of Hope Christian Church). Under his anointed, spirited leadership Oasis has soared to heights where only God can take you. During Pastor May’s tenure at Jehovah/Oasis over 20 ministries have been planted as well as unprecedented mission and para ministries work accomplished including Detroit Pregnancy Test and Help Center (D.P.T.H.C.) and Living Waters Community Development Corporation.  Under his leadership, Oasis has supported one church planting (Celestial Christian Church of Terre Haute, IN), and three other “Sons” of Oasis have started churches born out of Oasis of Hope. Pastor May continued his visionary leadership by leading the church to a new name and to our beautiful new worship facility all to better draw others to Christ. And in 2020, Pastor May will celebrate his silver anniversary as Senior Pastor of the Oasis of Hope Christian Church. 

On November 29, 1980, Claude Allen May was united in Holy Matrimony to the former Sytoria Paddget. As Sister May walks beside her husband, she serves faithfully as the Ministry Lead of the Oasis Women of Virtue and the Annual Angel Tree Ministries.  Her role as a First Lady is like none other.  She is a down to earth composed Woman of God.  They have been blessed with four adult children, one daughter-in-law and two granddaughters.